
Friday, February 19, 2016

Andreas Trobollowitsch - Roha [Cronica Electronica 105]

Another one that's soon to come on Portugal's Cronica Electronica-imprint is the labels 105, Andreas Trobollowitsch' eight track album piece "Roha". On this album we see the 1980-born artist combine elements of droning, (neo)classical compository techniques with an electro-acoustic approach, close contact pick-up microphones and prepared instruments, preferrably but not exclusively taken from the string section. These tracks, alongside feedback-heavy pieces of dark, threatening and reprocessed radio static fused with bits of Dark Jazz like in the super massive "Tapco" or even killer bits of super-experimental headbanger riffs provided in "Tuul", elements of Clicks'n'Cuts or even uberly dramatic prepared piano - "Ssbeat" -  are defo a quite interesting ride into the sonic world of Mr. Trobollowitsch' widely varied work of modern composition and performance and go well beyond the idea of moving experimental bits and pieces along a timeline displayed on a laptop screen. 

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