Friday, October 08, 2021

Toshimaru Nakamura - Culvert: No-Input Mixing Board 10 [Room40]

Scheduled for release via the Australian Ambient staple that is Room40 on October 8th, 2k21 is "Culvert: No-Input Mixing Board 10", the next iteration in Toshimaru Nakamura's ongoing exploration of the sonic capacities inherent to a console mixing board used and abused solely on its own, disconnected from any additonal instrument or its original purpose. The result of the tenth take on this ongoing approach are a total of eight brand new cuts on this album which are stretched out over approximately 42 minutes in total, coming in from a surprisingly rhythmic and, though repetetive, non-minimalist angle in which heavy sequences of grinding, pulsating Rhythm Industrial resembling structures provide a sense of heavy machinery and its innate physicality manifesting in mechanical movements whereas other pieces could be filed under the flag of ever meandering Clicks'n'Cuts related polyrhythms, weigh in longing, crackling, isolationist and well futuristic Dark Ambient / IDM crossover sequences or even emulate dry, slow motion Industrial Techno for fans of early - a.k.a. 1999/2000 - works by Fred Bigot who later became well known under the name of Electronicat. Good stuff, this. Check.


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