Tuesday, April 04, 2023

2020 - 6 [2020 Records Promo]

Put out on the digital circuit via the still somewhat mysterious artist-run label 2020 Records is "6", the - obviously... - sixth subsequent album cooked up by the well anonymous artist behind the 2020 moniker. Rolled out over a total of ten tracks and a playtime of nearly 90 minutes the December 2nd, 2k22 released album provides a musical ark spanning from the washed out, droning Ambient streams of "War Of The Worlds" to the subsequent "The Day After" which indulges in minimalist, time-dissolving Cold Ambient whereas "The Silence" follows on a trip into a full on Ambient white out. With "No Mercy" 2020 explores the hypnotic effects of subdued white noise pulses, "Emergency" dives deeply into spatial, unsettling Death Ambient drones before "The Secret" emulates neverending curtains of rain falling on a cold and greyscale'ish November day and "Looting" once again harks back to icy planes and frosty fogs in a totally comforting, yet highly disorientating manner. Furthermore "You Will Die" intensifies the sonic load, switching gears from relaxing to an almost threatening and defo uncanny mode, "Crematoria" brings forth an array of Ambient nothingness and the final "Death Of Mankind" oozes a mixture of toxic fumes wafting along soundscapes shaped by ever pulsing subsonic frequencies for a closing. Defo one for fans of hyperminimalist Ambient textures.


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